• Culture

  • Pason Canada reaches Target Zero

March 5, 2020

This past year, Pason Canada has reached Target Zero — meaning there were no recordable workplace safety incidents in 2019.

“Target Zero is a goal that we as a leadership group have mandated as the only acceptable outcome for all Pason employees,” said Daniel, Canadian HSE Manager. “Even one injury incident is too many. Fundamentally, every employee should be confident in the knowledge that they can go to work every day and arrive home in the same condition as when they started.”

Daniel explained this achievement reflects the company’s commitment to safety by all Pasonites, including Canada’s corporate head office, our downtown office, and our field employees.

He added this is especially great for field technicians as they work in one of the most dangerous environments.

“The environment they operate in is inherently dangerous, and to be able to effectively work in and around these circumstances and not have a recordable incident requires a herculean effort,” he said.

The last recordable incident was in November 2018. Daniel noted the last recordable injury in the field was even further back, in February 2018.

Recordable injuries are defined as work-related incidents that result in:

  • Medical Aid: Medical treatment beyond the scope of being a first aid. Typically, treatments require follow-up visits with a physician or support service like physiotherapy, without missing time from work or having to accommodate alternative work responsibilities due to the injury. 
  • Modified Work: Due to the severity of the workplace injury, regular work responsibilities are not able to be completed and alternative work plans must be developed to accommodate the nature of the injury.  
  • Lost Time Injury: Is an injury so severe that the individual involved cannot attend their next regularly shift.
  • Fatality 

Daniel added all injuries are reportable. Recordable injuries are only considered so when they reach the point of needing medical aid.

He also noted that injuries are tracked monthly to make up the Total Recordable Incident Frequency (TRIF) calculation. Industry leaders have a TRIF of below one percent, and Pason is one of those industry-leading companies.

Ensuring safety companywide has been a process, Daniel said. The key was clear communication on safety expectations.

“We established clear messaging with a new communication strategy and kept repeating the same message over and over again,” he said. “We introduced a hazard identification and control program that encouraged frontline workers to identify potential hazards, make appropriate corrections to control the hazard and then report it so others could be on the lookout for similar circumstances in their own work areas.”

These hazard identification requirements have also created a team atmosphere for roles that require mostly solo work on the front lines.

This achievement is something all Pasonites should be proud of.

“This accomplishment does not happen all the time, nor does it happen by accident,” Daniel said. “This is a celebration of a job well done.”

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