January 20, 2020
Most often, fundraising efforts are close to our heart. Pason Mexico's most recent fundraising drive was no exception.

"At a very young age I became familiar with cancer," says Gabriella, Pason Mexico Accountant and fundraising organizer. "I was nine years old when I first heard the word leukemia as one of my neighbours was diagnosed with the disease. In recent years, a good friend of mine lost his life to cancer. Because of these experiences, I support campaigns that promote the prevention and treatment of this disease."
Which is why Gabriella pitched the Tapitas Bank program to her co-workers.
The Tapitas Bank program collects plastic in the form of bottle caps, plastic bottles, jugs, and containers through authorized ambassadors and delivery locations. The collected plastic is then sent to collection centres to be recycled into boats, chairs, containers, utensils, and even Mexican toys. The money raised through recycling is donated to kids fighting cancer.
Mexico as a country consumes the most plastic in Latin America, but it's also the country that recycles the most plastic.
The goal for the 2019 Tapitas Bank program was to deliver more than 1.2 million pesos ($84,000 CDN/$64,000 USD) to provide support to patients financed by recycling programs. That goal was attained.
The funds raised provide resources for the care of cancer patients from 0 to 21 years throughout the country through the following programs:
- Local Cases: A program aimed at patients who require additional support to complement their treatments such as therapy sessions, nutritional supplements, medications, transportation scholarships, medical scholarships, payment of fees or surgical procedures
- Uncover Your Dream: Patients get to experience a once-in-a-lifetime experience
- Rapunzel Movement: Wigs are designed for females over the age of 10 years
- Tapitas House: A home where accommodation, food, and other services are supplied free of charge to patients (beginning in 2020)
Since 2015, the Tapitas Bank program has supported over 200 children, providing them with hope, love, and support through these funds raised through recycling plastic.
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