October 30, 2019
The last weekend in October 2019, 16 Pasonites, 3 family members, and 1 friend laced up their skates for the annual Shoot for the Stars hockey tournament at Winsport Arenas in Calgary. The tournament raises funds for the Children’s Wish Foundation, to help children with life-threatening illnesses take a break from the hospital and enjoy once-in-a-lifetime wishes. Team Pason was the second-highest fundraising team, raising a total of $5,250 for the cause.

On the ice, Team Pason had some close losses in three round-robin games and a win in the final, earning the Consolation Cup.
“This is super hard hockey for us," said Pason Canada Product Line Manager Aaron, who organized and played for Team Pason. “The team really grinded it out.”
This is the third year Pasonites have participated in the Shoot for the Stars tournament, and it probably won’t be the last.
“Hockey has always been a part of Pason’s culture,” said Aaron. “This tournament is a great way to give back to the community, doing something that many Pasonites enjoy.”
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