November 24, 2023
Our United Way Campaign has officially come to an end. Once again, we’ve held a successful campaign, raising over and above our goal of $20,000. Our final numbers are in, and we have raised $36,360. In addition, Pason has matched up to $10,000, making our donation amount $46,360 benefitting United Way of Calgary and Area. We were happy to bring back some great events this year!

To kick the two-week campaign off, Kara from United Way of Calgary and Area and Karen from Distress Centre Calgary spoke at a special kick-off event on Nov. 6, 2023, to talk about the community impact of United Way.
Once again, we hosted a silent auction through our internal fundraising app, where Pasonites can bid on items up for auction, sign up for our virtual game, fill out our pledge forms, and enter fundraising draws.
We ran our annual Silent Auction for our campaign from Nov. 6 to 21, 2023. Items were donated to the auction from Pasonites, as well as suppliers. Donations ranged from smaller items to experiences where Pasonites could bid on an evening/day out. Some popular items this year were workout equipment, hockey tickets, camping equipment ranging all the way to a day out at the golf course, a games night with the CEO, and much more!
Pasonites also tapped into their creative sides and constructed a mini-golf course! Each station had a unique theme, including Alice in Wonderland, The Mandalorian, storybooks, a pool hall, and AWS DeepRacer!
In addition, a Pason favourite was back again this year – Hobby Horse Races, held on Nov. 16, 2023! It sounds unique, but it is a great time when employees go head-to-head and gallop (yes, gallop) through the office in hopes of being the fastest! Meanwhile, other employees wagered on who they think will win, with all proceeds going to the fundraiser! It can be hard to explain, but we were lucky enough to have United Way of Calgary and Area stop by our South Calgary office to see what we do annually to fundraise for United Way. United Way put together a small blog post and video showcasing our efforts!
“The United Way Campaign for us has always been a unique part of our culture,” said Jon, Pason President & CEO, in the video from United Way. “It has always been an opportunity to create events with a real impact and purpose, but also to bring teams together.”
We also saw the return of the 50/50 draw and a Pason favourite: the Wine Draw! Participants donated a bottle of wine and $20 to be entered to win some great bottles! The winnings were split three ways, and 36 bottles were donated in total!
Of course, we once again hosted a virtual game through Kahoot! on Nov. 14, 2023. Hosted by Jon, Pasonites submitted Never Have I Ever responses, and we guessed who hadn’t done what! It was tough, but it surely brought some laughs from Pasonites.
Pason employees also made payroll pledges and were entered into draws to win gift card prizes.
Thanks to everyone who made this year’s United Way Campaign a resounding success again!
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