December 18, 2019
Every November marks Pason Canada’s United Way fundraising campaign.

During the weeklong campaign, Pasonites filled out pledge forms and participated in fun events such as an office biathlon, mini golf, social media headshot photos, a wine raffle, and a silent auction.
"The office biathlon was a huge success this year, it was over three times as successful at generating funds than the hobby horse races were last year," says Jenny, Pason Canada Warehouse Manager and organizer of the campaign. "I was also super impressed with the creativity of some teams' mini golf holes. The Hardware team's hole was something special."
Once again the silent auction brought out Pasonite's talents as they donated a wide variety of items, skills, and experiences for others to bid on such as baked goods, art, crochet items, reserved parking spots, fishing and golf outings, and wine tastings to name a few.
This years’ silent auction brought in $8,098, compared to $7,923 last year.
Pasonites raised $45,234, with Pason adding another $10,000 for a total of $55,234 for the United Way of Calgary and Area. The total funds raised in 2019 surpassed 2018 by $9,703! Way to go, Pasonites!
Thanks again to everyone who participated in the United Way fundraising campaign!
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