Field Techs sharpen skills at Advanced Field Training Sessions

April 30, 2024

Pason Field Technicians go through a rigorous training program to quickly learn about the various Pason products, installation procedures, and…Read more >


Help Desk still doing what they do best in trying times

June 12, 2020

Whether it’s day or night, Pason’s Help Desk is always on call to address any and all customer needs. Since the pandemic, Help Desk agents have…Read more >


Houston adopts a family once again

January 11, 2021

2020 was a tough year. And even though it was tough, our U.S. Head Office has continued the tradition of adopting a family for the holidays. Read more >


Houston holds fintastic event at the Downtown Aquarium

June 5, 2019

To kick off the summer, strengthen connections, and have some fun, Pason’s Houston office hosted their second annual Family Event late this April. Read more >


Houston office adopts a family for the holidays

January 9, 2020

The holiday season is a time for annual traditions. Pasonites in the Houston office have created a memorable and meaningful tradition of adopting a…Read more >


Houston office goes pink for breast cancer awareness

October 31, 2019

On October 23, 2019, Pason Houston’s office was awash in pink — but it wasn’t just a bold design choice. Employees donned pink shirts and…Read more >


IT garage sale benefits Calgary Food Bank

January 15, 2020

Good deals became a good deed following the Pason IT team’s companywide Year End Garage Sale. During the holiday season, the department used…Read more >


IT keeps Pasonites together, while working further apart 

May 29, 2020

Pason’s IT team has provided us essential support for all our technical needs, both for our customers and for our employees. During these…Read more >

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