• Culture

  • Pason reaches Target Zero again

February 28, 2025

Pason's Canadian office is proud of our efforts to ensure the Health and Safety of our employees, contractors, and customers.

Pason's Safety team presents at our 2024 Operations Meetings that were held in April.
Pason's Safety team presents at our 2024 Operations Meetings that were held in April.

That said, it takes diligent dedication to keep our people working in a safe environment, and we take it seriously.

That's why we're happy to announce that Pason Canada has achieved Target Zero for another year in 2024! This is an impressive milestone for our business, and all Pasonites should feel like they've contributed to this achievement.

Pason uses the Total Recordable Incident Frequency (TRIF) to measure recordable incidents or injuries. Injuries are tracked monthly to make up the TRIF calculation.

Recordable injuries are defined as work-related incidents that result in:

  • Medical Aid: Medical treatment beyond the scope of being a first aid. Typically, treatments require follow-up visits with a physician or support service like physiotherapy without missing time from work or having to accommodate alternative work responsibilities due to the injury.
  • Modified Work: Due to the severity of the workplace injury, regular work responsibilities cannot be completed, and alternative work plans must be developed to accommodate the nature of the injury.
  • Lost Time Injury: This is so severe that the individual involved cannot attend their next regular shift.
  • Fatality

At Pason, we have a mature reporting structure for hazards and how to handle potential safety concerns. This structure has employees on high alert for anything that may be coming their way, whether it's on a drilling rig installing and servicing our technology or in the office supporting our day-to-day operations.

From utilizing the Digital Actions Tracking System (DATS) to highlighting safety scenarios at quarterly town halls, Pasonites are set up to identify what could be of concern.

Through email, Jackie, HSE Advisor, congratulated all Canadian Pasonites for their efforts.

"This achievement is a testament to the hard work, dedication, and focus everyone has put in to ensure safety and excellence. Hitting this target is not just a number—it reflects the commitment to high standards and continuous improvement."

She added, "This success is a major accomplishment and truly sets a benchmark for the entire industry. We are excited to see what's next as you continue to lead with such excellence."

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