August 28, 2020
“Wash your hands. Don’t touch your face. Stay safe. We’re all in this together.”

That’s the sentiment from Gaven, Field Service and Sales Technician - Middle East/North Africa/Frontier, and his wife Kayla, after donating plasma with COVID-19 antibodies to help the many people who struggle to fight the virus.
Gaven is one of three Pasonites in our International Business Unit (IBU) who tested positive for COVID-19. He, along with Brandon, Field Service and Sales Technician - Middle East/North Africa/Frontier, have donated their plasma, while Wade, Frontier Operations Manager, was not eligible to donate.
However, Wade played a significant role in coordinating the donation for the group.
All three employees are now fully recovered from the virus and are in good health.
Gaven and Kayla were the first to donate of the group. They donated at Our Lady of Lourdes Donation Center, in Lafayette, Louisiana. They said the experience was comfortable, and the couple is happy to have donated.
“The nurses at Our Lady of Lourdes Donation Center were very helpful with setting us up to donate,” Gaven said. “My wife and I were made comfortable.”
Gaven and Kayla donated on July 31, 2020. Gaven donated again on Aug. 5, 2020, because he could only give half of the requested plasma at his first appointment.
Although Kayla and Gaven live in the same household, their symptoms of COVID-19 were very different. Kayla had mild symptoms, including a 24-hour fever, runny nose, a slight headache, and fatigue. Meanwhile, Gaven’s symptoms were much worse. He experienced a harsh cough, chest pains, headache, fever for several days, and he felt drained. He said he even needed an inhaler while he was sick.
It was because of Gaven’s severe symptoms that he and Kayla know how important it was to donate their plasma.
“If I were admitted, I would have needed someone to donate antibodies/platelets/plasma; this was our way to give back.”
Gaven added, “One of the problems we face with this virus is that it affects everyone differently, with no signs or indication of who will have the worst symptoms. My wife and I noticed that firsthand, but if we can help those who are experiencing the worst side of COVID-19, I feel like it’s a responsibility to try, instead of leaving them alone in a hospital bed suffering.”
Gaven said Pason’s IBU was very supportive while he was recovering from COVID-19. He said Wade has been instrumental in supplying the couple with information on mail-in testing. Wade was the initial point of contact in coordinating the donations for the group after being asked for plasma from the donation center.
Brandon also donated at Our Lady of Lourdes Donation Center on Aug. 6, 2020. He said the process of donating was simple and easy, and he is grateful for Pason’s support during his recovery.
“Pason has crafted and implemented policies to reduce contact where possible and to support a Pasonite’s recovery from this illness,” Brandon said.
Wade felt the same way. “We received check-ins from HR and managers to make sure we had all we needed,” he said. “We were fully informed on protocols to return to work and given all the time needed to quarantine, work from home, and more.”
Overall, the group encourages anyone who tested positive to look into donating plasma and is grateful to Pason for supporting them during their time of vulnerability.
“I feel incredibly lucky to be here with Pason,” Brandon said. “I have absolute confidence and trust in Pason’s ability to care for its employees as best as any company could, and I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else in the world."
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