October 23, 2020
It's been a tough year. And with these hardships we've all been going through in 2020, it's only natural to feel heightened stress or anxiety.

For the second year in a row, Pason's Canadian Head Office is participating in the Canadian Mental Health Association’s Not Myself Today campaign.
According to the Not Myself Today website, the campaign is an evidence-based, practical solution for employers to transform mental health at work.
The initiative aims to reduce stigma and foster supportive work cultures when tackling mental health.
"We feel that launching this campaign will help address employees' personal challenges before they become overwhelming," says Mary, Pason Canada Payroll & Benefits Specialist.
So how does the Not Myself Today campaign work?
The campaign starts with a question: How are you feeling today?
Pason's head office has buttons available for our Pasonites, with different moods, so our employees can indicate how they're feeling.
If our employees choose, they can take a button to wear. These buttons are in place so Pasonites can ask each other how they're doing and engage in conversations about their moods.
We also have volunteers in our office who are Not Myself Today ambassadors. Those Pasonites are available to lend an ear to their coworkers when they need it.
Pason wants our employees to know they are supported without judgment in their mental wellness.
If they need or want to, our Pasonites can talk to their peers, managers, or HR about mental health and access the many resources Pason has available to them.
More information on the Not Myself Today campaign can be found on notmyselftoday.ca.
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