May 18, 2022
We've completed another Playground Build!

Last week, Pasonites built a playground at St. John Henry Newman Catholic School in Calgary.
Employees shovelled, lifted, hammered and dug to assemble the playground over the course of three days! The days were filled with an excited energy among Pasonites, who lucked out with mostly beautiful weather, narrowly missing a little rain on Friday!
Since we started planning this year's build, there has been a buzz of anticipation around the office.
"The response from Pasonites has been very positive, and people have been talking about it since we announced we were doing another build," said Eric, Pason Canada, Facilities Support.
Eric is one of the minds behind planning this year's build. He explained that Calgary-area schools apply for grants or fundraise for new playground equipment. However, they still need helping hands to build the structure. That’s where our Pasonites come in.
"Pason provides the muscle to get the project done,” he said.
The entire build lasted from May 11-13. Employees cleaned and levelled holes, as well as pre-assembled and installed equipment. Then, after three days of hard work, employees finished the project by pouring concrete, cleaning up, and admiring our handiwork.
Participating in building playgrounds is not a new tradition at Pason. In 2019, we built our 10th Playground in 10 years. Eric recalled our last build, saying "the atmosphere on the build in 2019 was a very lighthearted and fun way to interact with other Pasonites."
He added, "Everyone does what they can to help, but the highlight, for me, was when the kids were on lunch break. They asked when we would have it done and thanked us for building it."
Now that this year's Playground Build is gone and passed, Pasonites will still be out and about volunteering to better the Calgary community. We’ll be starting our Pristine Parks initiative once again this year. Our employees will be out cleaning up Calgary parks throughout the summer!
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