Meet Gene, Senior IT Advisor

May 28, 2021

In the Calgary office, everyone knows Gene, Senior IT Advisor. Read more >


IT keeps Pasonites together, while working further apart 

May 29, 2020

Pason’s IT team has provided us essential support for all our technical needs, both for our customers and for our employees. During these…Read more >


Pason helps make Calgary parks pristine

September 17, 2021

In Calgary, our city parks and pathways get a lot of use throughout the summer months. Whether it’s visiting a playground with your family, or…Read more >


Meet Leonard, USBU Field Sales Technician

September 26, 2018

Leonard, U.S. Business Unit Field Sales Technician, is a Wyomingite through and through. Read more >


Pason offers soft skills classes to help employees succeed

August 26, 2020

Excelling at your job doesn’t always mean honing skills that are directly related to your position. Sometimes developing soft skills like how to…Read more >


​​​Pason a proud supporter of #TakeThatStep

June 23, 2020

Our physical health is of utmost importance during this time of COVID-19 and physical distancing. However, it’s important to check in on our mental…Read more >


Target Zero: No recordable injuries at Pason in 2021

March 7, 2022

We’ve hit the target. Pason achieved Target Zero, meaning our North American operations had zero recordable injury incidents for the entire…Read more >


Why do Pasonites enjoy working at Pason?

April 2, 2020

Why is working for Pason so great? Just ask our employees. Pason's Canadian office conducted Employee Stay Interviews with randomly selected Pasonites…Read more >

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